Her training is extensive. She graduated from the Myofunctional Therapy Institute in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1980 and had an extensive Internship in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. Joy’s background of Dental Hygiene led the way for further studies, and she has taught and continues to teach principles of Myofunctional Therapy to graduate and post-graduate students and numerous universities as a guest speaker. Some of those are UCLA School of Dentistry, USC, Cerritos College, Guttenberg University in Mainz, Germany, University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium, University of Freiburg, Germany, Physical therapy groups, Speech Pathologists, Orthodontists, Dentists and Hygienists. She formerly taught at UCLA in the Sleep Medicine Mini-Residency Program and Oral Pain, for seven years.

My Life’s Passion
Helping people learn how to chew, breathe, swallow, and sleep correctly and eliminate oral habits that stop this process.
I began because my son had the problem and I saw his ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) issues, headaches, and TMJ (jaw) pain stop. I was a dental hygienist and I decided to learn and study everything I could in the field. I have seen so many patients having surgery after surgery, taking many medications, and generally receiving unsatisfactory health care and suffering immensely.
I was a dental hygienist and I decided to learn and study everything I could in the field. I have seen so many patients having surgery after surgery, taking many medications, and generally seeking the wrong type of health care and suffering immensely.
I now practice in Pacific Palisades, California and I am one of the few who teach courses in the treatment of this disorder. I will do anything to get this valuable treatment option out to the public because I have seen unbelievable changes occur in the health of my patients and millions could be helped.
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy has been known by the scientific community since the early 1900’s. Currently, this emerging therapeutic treatment has become professionalized with a training program available to speech pathologists, dental hygienists, dentists and physicians. Unfortunately, however, most people and even physicians or dentists, are unaware that this life-enhancing therapy even exists.
Joy Moeller has worked in private practice as a Myofunctional Therapist since 1980:
Joy’s extensive training includes graduating from the Myofunctional Therapy Institute in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1980, completing an extensive internship in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, and working in various settings including:
Joy teaches Myofunctional Therapy to graduate and post-graduate students at various universities as an adjunct professor and guest speaker:
Joy’s Values.
Joy Moeller is a distinguished Myofunctional Therapist, recognized both nationally and internationally for her expertise and leadership in the field.

I am a founding member of the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. This Academy is a leading, comprehensive mini-residency training for post-graduate health care providers wanting to become Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists. Our mission is to offer the best foundation for health professionals to learn this critical therapy and bring its benefits to those who need it. We offer a 59 HOUR on line and live virtual course plus on-going support and continuing education three times a week.
Our goal is to have every student successful at developing a clinically and financially great practice. We offer further on-going assistance via the Internet with professional problems you may have. We also offer internships and study club meetings. We also have a networked referral system for receiving new patients from doctors in your area. We schedule several courses throughout the year at various locations across the USA.